Broken Bowcaster
My daughter stood on top of the Bowcaster while we were packing things in the van after Trunk or Treat. It revealed a flaw. The screws were too short. I fixed it and it just needs some touch-up paint.
I took a close up of my mask and realized that the eye holes were too far apart. I am going to trim the inner eye of the silicone mask, and it should make the eyes better. I can't believe I didn't notice that till now.
All my
X-ACTO blades are DULL. I have to get more. I'll post a pic after I get more blades tonight.
Other repairs made:
-Shortened hair on the back of the mask, and added a little more.
-Split the wig down the back to conform to my head better. I hope it doesn't get noticed. I may have to revisit that fix later.
-Foam padding added on top of the head to give more realistic profile.
-Jaw mechanism trimmed because it was hitting me in the throat when I looked down.
-Punched single strands of hair around the eyes and mouth.
-Used a new hair spray
Got2B. It is now a hair helmet. I am worried it has a wet plastic look now, but my wife says its fine. We'll see. :) The good news is that the hair DOES NOT move (hair doesn't fall in my eyes when I look down). That stuff is strong.